Character Qualities Part 2

Mike Seay Filed Under:
like i talked about in the first Character Qualities post, i'm gaining a lot from the book, The Heart of an Artist, and i really just wanted to share some of the goodness to anyone so heres part two.

"I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart"
Psalms 101:2

Integrity can be defined as;
1. an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting
2. moral soundness
3. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code; The state of being wholesome; unimpaired; The quality or condition of being complete; pure

My favorite definition is the very end of the third one i found when i searched it online. its simple but maybe its all it needs to be, Pure. Pureness is what we should be striving for each and everyday. The people who waited on tables in the early church were known to be "full of spirit and wisdom"(Acts 6:3) Integrity isn't a standard for pastors and people in high council, it is a standard for each person in the church. Its so easy some time for us to comprise our character by simply living our life somedays without integrity, but i can tell you God wants nothing more than for us to realize we have lost our focus on Him and ask Him to return to the center of our lives. We need to be in constant prayer for our integrity and ask God to strengthen it and mold it into a reflection of that of Christ's. First Timothy says that we are meant to be models for everyone, "in [our] speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" Thats are call. Nothing else. and my challenge to you is to look into your own character and see if you are pursuing reflecting the love and goodness of Christ or caught letting your own pride and flesh to plague your life? 

Im excited to hear back from anyone who reads these posts and get any feedback if you liked or disliked anything? \

I pray you are encouraged and motivated! 
In christ, love.

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1 Response to "Character Qualities Part 2"

  1. Jimbo Says:
  2. Good word! Well said.

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